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Social Work in Healtchare

Like the field of social work itself, heathcare is extremely broad. It includes everyday visits to the family doctor, more serious forms of treatment for diseases, hospital operations and lengthly stays, mental health issues, rehabilitative services for stroke or injury patients, and other outpatient or follow-up care. Without question, for each step of the way, social work plays an important role in not only the individual's life, but also those included in the immediate family support system.

Social work in health care is so crucial that many people would be lost without the various services of professional social workers. For individuals diagnosed with life threatening conditions and terminal diseases, a social worker will guide the patient to find available support groups, services for which he/she is eligible, and to explain the process that will follow. When faced with debilitating conditions, there are many phases through which the patient passes. The social worker can make both the individual and the family aware of what they should expect. It is normally the unknown that scares most people, and if a social worker can spend the time to explain details, the process will not seem as frightening.

Often, patients are not aware of services that can help them either financially or physically. Different government agencies or social organizations may provide reimbursement for specific treatments or medications. In addition, patients that choose to seek alternative medicine options will benefit greatly from working with a social worker experienced in the field of holistic medicine. Patients may further decide that a combination of traditional medicine with complementary medicine may be the best course of action for their situations. Again, the social worker can aid patients in this respect.

Even for less traumatic events, social workers are a necessary element in today's health care system. They may talk to a patient after an operation or illness to determine whether the person has help at home while convalescing. And they may ask if there is anything else with which the patient needs help. Something as simple as a ride home may be troubling the patient, and a social worker can find an immediate solution to relieve the anxiety.

Social workers are heavily involved with patients who require rehabilitation after losing a limb, eyesight or mobility to an affected part of the body. Treatment may include counseling, scheduling transportation to and from therapy, assistance with the therapy, as well as determining how the structure of the patient's residence may need changing to support the individual in an environment that is more conducive to his/her new circumstances.

Another area where social work is important in healthcare is family planning. Teaching young people about contraception and the negative effects of unprotected relations is vital. Nowadays, social workers also deal with same sex marriages and the partners' issues regarding child adoption or artificial insemination.

Indeed, it goes without saying that social work in healthcare is quite expansive and touches many lives.

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