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Exchange Programmes

We have a very succesful annual exchange programme with Norway.This programme entails a 2 week 'swap' where 10-20 members visit the other country.

Practice is observed, specificities learned and members are encouraged to respond to the different culture and societies approach to social work.

We have found such an experience invaluable for ensuring the personal, professional development of our members. It has been a hugely successful programme, with survey results showing that 100% of participants rated the overall experience as either good or very good- wiith any reservations typically being down to improvements in detail that could be made.


After each exchange, feedback is collected and then the board meets to discuss future changes that can be made in order to improve the programme. For example, perhaps down to cultural differences- the Palestinians preferred to stay with host families whereas the Norwegians were more happy in hotels. We are also planning to tailor the next exchange more carefully to the specializations of each participant. This will ensure that the utility of the trip for each member is maximised and that all the events and activities are personalised and thus as beneficial as possible. 


We are extremely proud of our exchange programme; the collaboration resulting from it as well as individual friendships- alongwith the personal and professional development makes it an extremely important part of the work that we do. 


We are keen to expand our exchange programme to learn from more cultures and socieities and would be extremely enthusiastic if you feel that your union or organisation could benefit from such a mutually beneficial experience.  





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