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We hope that for social workers accross Palestine, union membership will bring many benefits.


Training and skills development

We offer training sessions, for minimal charge, to members. These are both for graduates who are looking to gain specialist skills in order to make themselves suitable to employers and for those who are in work but wish to build up the latest, specialist techniques in order to aid and improve the quality of their work -and contribute to a sense of personal, professional development. 



Membership of the union brings with it a vast number of connections. Both with members, supportive institutions such as the YMCA and local universities and Internationally through our partner organisations.


These connections can be fundamental to the development of social workers; socially, professionally and culturally. Learning from and gaining support from those in the same field allows for improved commitment to and delivery of social work. 


International Exchanges

We have an annual exchange with our partners at FO.Rogaland, Norway. This is an exceptional chance for members to experience, first hand, how social work is carried out outside Palestine. Participants always find this a higely enjoyable and reqarding experience as well as one that subsequently aids them in their own professional work. 


Workplace advocacy and support

Historically the PUSWP has been extremely successful in advocating for members. Our good relationships with local institutions and employers in the field of social work enables our voice to be heard and respected when advocating for members. 


Support extends to providing help and worker rights understandings for members. For example potential mothers may want to know their rights regarding maternity leave or those feeling that they are underpaid or over worked can consult our experts to gain knowledge on how best to assertively respond to such situations.


Furthermore, social work can be an emotionally demanding profession. We meet the needs and demands of social workers who require emotional assistance or support in response to their work.


We have a well-stocked library with books that are accessible to all members. 

Our union officees in Bethlehem contains a well-stocked library that covers many academic and practical issues in social work. From the experience and ordeals of Palestinian women in East jerusalem, to prison conditions in Israel, to key sociological texts and textbooks our library is a reference point for anyone involved in social work.


What members have to say:

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